The Week in Review
Last Tuesday was a tough night as both the JV and Varsity dropped matches at Stony Point. Much like life, we know there are going to be setbacks and disappointments. How we choose to face adversity and move forward is the true lesson found in sports.
And the Lady Rangers did a great job of reflecting, correcting, and preparing for their next opportunity.
And Friday night saw both the JV and Varsity come away with victories over Manor. The JV final was 8+ and Varsity won 4-0, with Goals scored by Lily (2) and Seniors, Kendel Alford and Olivia Clark, which was a great way to celebrate Senior Night. Not to forget that all 4 goals came off of assists by Bailey Huner. It was good to see lots of smiling faces, as we celebrated the Class of 2024.
Where do things Stand?
With 2 games remaining in District the playoff scenarios are settled at the top but places 3 & 4 are still up for grabs with 6 crucial points to be earned this week.
Round Rock - 34
Westwood - 29
Vista Ridge - 20
Stony Point - 15
Vandegrift - 15
Cedar Ridge - 15
McNeil - 10
Manor - 0
Tuesday's Games
Vista Ridge @ Vandegrift
Stony Point @ McNeil
Cedar Ridge @ Round Rock
Westwood @ Manor
Friday's Games
Round Rock @ Vista Ridge
McNeil @ Cedar Ridge
Vandegrift @ Westwood
Stony Point @ Manor
The Week Ahead
B-Day Black- Grass & Gupton 2-4
Also remember to bring your Teacher Appreciation Letters and Invitations to BSH because we will deliver T-shirts on Monday.
Game Day at Vandegrift
5:30 JV - bus will leave at 4:15
7:30 Varsity - bus will leave at 6:00
Game Day Meal Link will be sent Monday Night.
B-day White - Recovery Day - 2-3:30
A Day Ranger Red 2-4
Game Day vs Round Rock
5:30 JV
7:30 Varsity
#Teacher Appreciation Night
Game Day Meal Link will be sent Thursday Night
Huge Thank You
Thank you to all the Parents who have hosted Team Dinners and to everyone who assisted with the Senior Night Reception. It is all these moments that help to shape and impact our Lady Rangers.
A Final Word from Coach-
When I was close to your age and had just graduated high school, I took a job working for the Zig Ziglar Corporation. I was at the bottom of the pay scale and working in the packing department shipping out his books and CDs fulfilling customers orders. Zig (and yes that was his real name) was one of the kindest men I ever met. What was so amazing to me was that this man, who gave motivational speeches for a living and flew around the word, knew the name of every person who worked for him. We were allowed to take home extra copies of his books and CDs and to this day I think about them and the wisdom he was able to share. But two quotes always have stayed with me that I learned from Zig.
"Sometimes Adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful."
"You can get everything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want."
I think about these quotes in relation to sports and teams and how that translates to our lives.
We have all faced adversity either individually or collectively. Sometimes things don't go our way when we want it to, or a tough loss sets us back.
But how we react, how we respond, how we learn from our adversity, and how we move forward is way more important than the result or obstacle that seemingly got in our way.
And the second quote is not just a reflection on coaching but rather a reflection on teammates. When we all pull together to support one another we can achieve something great, something bigger than ourselves. We can accomplish something that not only brings us closer to one another but also helps to solidify those bonds of friendships, that can only come about when something truly memorable is earned and worked for.
The most meaningful accomplishments in life are those that are earned. With two remaining games we have a chance to go earn our spot in the playoffs. It starts with preparation, it starts in practice, and it starts on Tuesday Night!
Let's Go Lady Rangers! #BeatVandy