Week in Review
It was a good week. We worked on Passing Patterns and transitional play as more combinations were learned and developed. Last week also saw us get in some team building and fitness while having some fun playing Futsal and then ending the week at a really cool black out pep rally.
All in all it was a Good Week.
This Week's Schedule
Monday- No School Student Holiday
Tuesday- B Day - Black
Wednesday- A Day - Grey - Ranger
Thursday - B Day - Black
Friday - MEDIA DAY
Booster Club
If you have not done so please consider signing up to join the Girls Soccer Booster Club.
Fan Shirt Order Form
Are you a fan and supporter of Lady Ranger Soccer? Want to show your support for your Lady Ranger on Game Days? The Deadline to order your team shirt is THIS Friday, October 18th!
Order Yours Today!
And Finally
As we get ever closer to the start of the season, I want all of you to remember that every day, every class, every time you are in the weight room, every time you take the field, that that is a time to grow, improve, and challenge yourself to be the best version of yourself that you can be.
Do not put in the work with the mindset of trying to impress someone or catch someone's attention, but rather perform at an elite level because that is the standard you hold yourself to. In your soccer journey you will always be faced with choices and obstacles. But when you hold yourself to the highest of standards then the obstacles become less and the choices become clearer and easier. Always choose to hold yourself to the highest standards and great things will come your way.
Looking forward to another great week.
Let's Go Lady Rangers!