Week in Review-
Another good week of training as the Lady Rangers worked on flighted balls, ball mastery, dribbling at pace, shooting, fitness, and game situations. Each week as we get closer and closer to the season, being able to complete these aspects of the game at a high level become more and more important. I want to encourage all of you to continue to train and work on aspects of your game outside of the class period.
Big Shout out to Vivian Reus and the Vista Ridge Marching Band as they finished 2nd at Regionals and will be headed to State! Congratulations Viv!

Congratulations is also instore for our Lady Rangers who were inducted into the National honor Society this past week. So very proud of all of you.
Also got to see more memories being made as Lady Rangers were meeting up outside of soccer. Whether at RRMPC or in the stands supporting Vista Ridge football, we love seeing our Lady Rangers making a lifetime of memories.

The Week Ahead-
B-Day Black- Community Service/Fitness/ Study Hall
Dress out & meet in BSH by 2:10 for Attendance. Help with College Fair Set-up. (Community Service Hours) Fitness Run- 3 miles (under 27 minutes)
Finish in Study Hall
College Fair at Vista Ridge beginning at 6 pm. Highly Encourage everyone to attend.
C-Day Red- PSAT Day- This is not like the traditional Test that takes 5 hours. Should be completed before C Lunch-
Freshmen have 9th Summit and report to Big Gym at 8:15. Make sure to go to the check in tables to be counted present for attendance.
Sophs & Juniors- report to your testing rooms at 8:15
Seniors arrive at 9:00 and report to the big Gym. Make sure to go to the check in tables to be counted present for attendance.
Ranger - Soccer Skill Day
A Day Ranger Grey-
B- Day Black Team Building and Fitness
A Day Ranger Red
Pep rally for Vandy Game. Wear Red Team Shirts
Booster Club Update:
There will be a link sent out for a quick Booster Club meeting to be held this week. It will be by Zoom and will be approximately 15-20 minutes.
If you are interested in filling one of our Vacant Board Positions (Vice President, Webmaster) Please reach out to Wade Ramsey our Booster Club President.
Also a Huge Thank you to everyone of our members and sponsors who signed up to support Lady Ranger Soccer this year. Without your generosity we would not be able to have the type of program we have. Thank you.

A Final Thought from Coach-
So SAM's is not a Sponsor and I am not a paid spokesperson but they had these Sherpa Lined Hoodies and Joggers at SAM's on Lakeline. These might be the warmest and softest sweats I have ever put on. I am afraid that this might be the only attire I wear once the weather turns cold. Hard to believe after a 90 degree weekend in October but oh my goodness they were amazing.
Speaking of weather- All of the forecasts that I have been seeing for Central Texas call for a wet winter this year. Please be prepared as players and fans, and get that rain gear put on the Christmas wish list this season. Unless it is lightning or temps are below 25* we will be playing in the cold and rain. That goes for practices too. Unfortunately the only indoor facility we have is the gym space that has to be shared with Basketball, softball, and boys soccer. So we will be going out in the inclement weather and everyone needs to be prepared.

After this week we will be in Full Pre-season preparation mode for the upcoming season. Every day matters. Every training session matters. Every fitness run matters. Every class matters. Everything you do will matter. It will matter in your preparation, and it will matter in your evaluation. Everything matters. And because it really starts to get intense I want to share a mindset that will help you during this time. It's a Motivational Mindset:
Motivation can be complex and multi-faceted, often evolving as we progress in our journey. Let's break it down into four fundamental stages that capture this evolution:
Stage One: Fear-Driven. At this stage, your actions are fueled by the desire to avoid punishment or negative outcomes. Coach says it so I do it. Or I do it because I don't want to get cut or fall behind.
This was the base- stage of fitness in our pre-season development.
Stage Two: Reward-Oriented. Here, your actions are aimed at earning rewards, whether that be making the team, being on the roster, being a starter or sub. Earning and embracing your role on the team should be a huge part of what motivates you over the next few weeks.
This is the stage of preparation we are entering into.
At these stages, your motivation is extrinsic, and it can potentially limit your happiness and personal growth. True growth is found in stages three and four, where motivation is intrinsic:
Stage Three: Duty-Bound. You act out of a sense of duty, irrespective of rewards or punishments. Although void of fear, this stage can often be difficult to maneuver and understand because of all the preparations that were made in the off-season and pre-season are now in full review as the season begins and opportunities to impress become less available. This is the stage of the season where your focus shifts to "WE" and away from "me"
Big WE little me.
Stage Four: Love-Fueled. At this pinnacle, your motivation stems from love. You move beyond your personal needs, reconnecting with your original ideals and aspirations, thus driving further success.
It’s important to note that this is not a linear process, and bounces back and forth between these stages is common. However, connecting with your genuine motivation isn't a passive task. It demands active self-awareness, asking yourself tough questions, and confronting potentially difficult answers. We do it not only for the Love of the Game but also because we Love who we are when we prepare the way we do.
The Key Takeaway
I want to encourage you to pause, reflect and assess your motivation.
Connect with your 'why' and let that guide your actions and decisions. Remember, this journey is as much about self-development as it is about achievements.
Let's go Lady Rangers!