Week in Review-
That was a crazy busy week. It started with Varsity playing Stony Point to a 1-1 Draw as Lily Vandiver was able to find the back of the net in the waning moments of the game to split the points. Tuesday then started with a Pep Rally and crazy weather and games at Vandegrift. Varsity and JV both battled valiantly against the weather and a good Vandegrift team coming up just short. Then Friday saw us host our first home games in a couple weeks, as the teams took on some very talented Round Rock teams. Unfortunately the tanks were empty as both teams dropped points on Friday night.
This past week we also go to celebrate Margot Beacom and her commitment to play Hockey at Trine University.
The Week Ahead-
Ranger / Red
JV & Varsity 2:15-4:15
Home Game vs Cedar Ridge
JV. 5:30
Varsity 7:30
Both Teams ALL RED
Ranger Grey
JV & Varsity Recovery Day
Gupton / Black
JV & Varsity 2:15-4:00
(Vista Ridge Track is hosting a meet this day. Boys will be on the Grass. Most Likely be done at 3:30 but due to traffic at Vista, it may be easier to be picked up at Gupton. Look for an update Wednesday Evening)
Home Game vs Manor- (This is a rescheduled game from Feb. 3rd)
JV 5:30
Varsity 7:30
JV: Red/ White/ Red
Varsity: Black/ White/ Black
Final Thoughts:
This past week challenged us. It was a challenge physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. The greatest thing I have ever learned about life, through sports, is that you will never know your true measure if you are never tested. And if you never struggle or fail then you can never be melded and strengthened and grow in a way that makes you stranger and more confident. We do not dwell on the results of the past, but rather use them to correct our behaviors for the future. It's very easy to just say "Work Harder" if you want to get better. And if you do.... you will.
But, there's more to it than just working harder.
If you really want to succeed. If you really want to find out how good you can be, then you have to challenge yourself each and every day. Some days the challenges are competitions. Some days the challenges are practicing with and against teammates. And some days the challenges are about self. Challenge your self to have a good attitude. Challenge yourself to learn by listening. Challenge yourself to grow by studying. Challenge yourself by putting forth outstanding effort in every phase of practice. Challenge yourself to do everything with purpose and vigor.
I know for many of you watching videos on Tik-Tok is a way to just disengage and be entertained. But I came across this video and I thought it was great (Sometimes they are)
I like what the cowboy had to say and how he used making a blade as a metaphor for life. You know what else is a metaphor for life? Being on a team. Being tested. Failing. Learning from your setbacks and then finally Succeeding. We start the 2nd half of district this week. We are closer to the end than we are the beginning.
Watch this video and take something away from it.
(Click on the picture to go to the Video)
Let's have a great Monday and get ready to take it to Cedar Ridge on Tuesday & Manor on Friday.
(And oh by the way, End of the six weeks is Friday, so make sure you don't have any missing assignments. If you fail this grading period, the season may be over before you get the chance to regain your eligibility.)
Let's Go Lady Rangers!