Week in Review-
Well this will be Brrrrrrrrrrrrief.
Last week Everything in Texas shut down as the Iceman Cometh. No Games. No Practices. No School. And today We are all outside in shorts and tee shirts. What can I say. Welcome to Texas HS Soccer weather.

The Week Ahead-
JV & Varsity Practice during the period
Varsity Makeup Game at Stony Point 6 pm
All White
Bus will leave at 4:45 pm
All White
At Vandegrift
JV 5:30 bus will leave at 4:15
White red White
Varsity 7:30 bus will leave at 5:45
White Red White
Film and Recovery during the period
No After school practice
White Practice Shirts
Ranger Red
JV Practice 2:15-4:00
Varsity 3:30-5:00
Home Game vs Round Rock
JV 5:30
Black, Black Red
Varsity 7:30
All Black
Final Thoughts
The National Letter of Intent signing ceremony for Vista Ridge Athletes was rescheduled to Wednesday the 8th at 7:30 in the Main Gym. We invite everyone and hope to see all the Lady Rangers there to support Margot Beacom as she signs to play College Hockey at Trine University in Fort Wayne, IN.
It was great to see so many of you on Saturday. Great just to all be together again working and hard and playing the game we love.
Big week ahead. You have games, practices, and a week school where teachers are trying to get caught up from last week. Be diligent and prepared. Don't let things creep up on you. Make sure you are organizing your time wisely. Eat well, Study hard, prepare yourself mentally and physically, and be grateful for all the things you have going on in your life.
It's a big week of soccer ahead of us! Let's do this!
Let's Go Lady Rangers!