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Lady Ranger Roundup Week of Nov. 28-Dec.2

Writer's picture: Shad GreenShad Green

News and Notes

It's here! It's finally here. In so many ways today is better than Christmas Eve. We are so excited about what this season has in store. I'm so excited not only for where we are as a team but where we will be at the end of this season.

Weekly Schedule

All changes to our calendar and weekly schedule will be communicated through the SportsYou app. If you have not downloaded and joined yet, please do so Today. This is our first week of having 5 teams practicing on 3 fields so there may be some adjustments that need to be made as we move ahead. Thank you for being patient and flexible during this time as we work on a schedule that is beneficial for everyone.

-Monday- Red/Ranger- JV 2:30-4:15 - Var. 3-5

-Tuesday- Black/Grass - JV/Var 3:00- 4:30

-Wednesday White/Ranger- JV 2:30-4:15 - Var. 3-5

-Thursday- Black/Grass - JV/Var 3:00-4:30

-Friday- Red/Ranger - JV 2:30-4:15 - Var. 3-5

Booster Club Update

Please mark your calendars for our December/Beginning of the season Parent Meeting.

Wednesday, December 7th, 6 pm in the Small Study Hall


- LISD Policies and Expectations

- Season Overview

- BC financial update

- Fan Angel Fundraiser

- Establish Senior Night & Banquet Organizing Committees

Weekly Small Group Opportunities

- Tuesday Night Girls BB vs Killeen Chaparral/ Boys BB at Rouse

- Post Practice Dinners

- Lunches

- Before School Coffees

- Study groups at Starbucks

-Friday Blue Santa Sit Togethers

Community Service

Have you written one of your teachers a note? Have you volunteered to help out around Vista? If not you still have time. And guess what else is coming back (Due to popular Demand)

The Blue Santa Kick-off match will be held on December 9th when we scrimmage Cedar Park. You will have an opportunity to earn your community service hours while collecting toys for Blue Santa. As you know Vista and Cedar Park have a huge Blue Santa Rivalry and Vista routinely does a great job supporting this community event. Look for more details to come but we hope all Lady Rangers, parents, and supporters help contribute to this amazing cause.

Christmas is Coming

Have mom and dad asked, "What do you want for Christmas?" and your response was, "Nothing" or "anything is fine, really" because you didn't know what to tell them?

Well here are some suggestions you might give them.

On through Tonight you can save up to 40% on most items.

You can use Promo Codes:

Score - 20%

Believe - 30%

Cheermore - 40%

And even save another 10% when you become a Goal Club member.

Here are three Coach's Recommendations:

Sponsor Spotlight

Thank you for your Support of Lady Ranger Soccer


I am truly excited that our season is here but there are a few things that I want to emphasize as we start this journey together:

  1. Communication is key - Please communicate with me anytime you are going to be absent, late, or have conflicts or appointments. Although things come up from time to time, please try to schedule appointments outside the 3-5 pm window on practice days, and let your coaches know as soon as possible when you will not be available.

  2. Positive Team Contributions- All of you have chosen to be a part of Lady Ranger Soccer. There is no such thing as a Neutral team member. You are either making the culture of the program better or You are not. Your actions, your words, and your attitudes help to move the team forward or it keeps the team from progressing as it should. Make sure you choose to move the team forward each and everyday. Bring great enthusiasm. Bring a great attitude. Bring a desire to work hard. Bring words of encouragement and inspiration. Be the teammate you want others to be.

  3. Student Athletes- Lastly and Most Importantly you are Students first and athletes second. And as we have seen the first two six weeks, we have a lot of excellent students in our program. But we were not in season then. As we now begin after school practices and game day trips and routines, it becomes even more important for you to stay on top of your academics and assignments. Being disciplined in your academics is just as important as being disciplined in your athletic/soccer training.

Tools for Academic success-

- Use your time wisely

- Use Ranger Time to work on homework & assignments and not just socialize

- Use the Study Hall time to get tutorial help from some of our amazing teammates.

- Communicate with teachers before absences occur.

- Communicate with teachers after absences occur. (They have hundreds of students, you need to make sure they have received your assignments and you get any assignments missed)

- DO NOT PROCRASTINATE- putting off homework until 10 or 11 pm is a recipe for disaster.

- Put your phones down until your work is done- It should not take you two hours to complete a 20 minute assignment because you are on your phone.

Get a good night sleep Lady Rangers! Tomorrow we begin.

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