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Vista Park Summer League 2024

Writer's picture: Shad GreenShad Green

Updated: May 30, 2024

Starting June 5th

Thank you to all the teams, participants, and supporters who are helping to get this new league off and running. As with any new venture there are some areas where there may be some growing pains, but we truly think this is going to be a rewarding experience and beneficial step in the development of girls high school soccer in the CenTex area.

Our Belief-

The Park Vista Summer League is not an attempt to usurp Club soccer programs. It is however, a league that can enhance individual development through organized competitive matches in a controlled and supervised environment.

We believe that all players should be provided opportunities to continue to play regularly with their High School Teammates through out the summer. The weekly interactions will have a positive impact in their soccer development and will help them forge bonds that are a hallmark of the high school soccer experience.

Participating Teams

Vista Ridge (3) teams

Cedar Park (3) teams

Glenn (2 ) teams

Liberty Hill (2) teams




Due to the fact many participants just ended the school year and competed in Memorial Day Tournaments/Showcases; not to mention the sketchy weather forecast for this Wednesday the decision was made to start the league the first week of June.. The May 29th date will be made up at the end of July. Hopefully this will also allow teams to confirm and round out their rosters prior to the first game.

Player Registrations/Waivers/Payments

All participants must be Registered in order to participate. Please click on the link to register. If already registered please move to step #2.

All Participants must have a Player Waiver on file to Participate. (Currently missing about 50 Player Waivers)

Payment Information: Teams my pay the $500 entry fee in a single payment, or pay individually.

(Per player payments are the Numbered of Rostered Participants divided by $500.00 ex $500/12 players would be $40 and yes we rounded down to keep it simple)

  • No Cash Payments Accepted

  • Preferred Method of Payment is Venmo

  • If paying by check made payable to Vista Ridge Girls Soccer Booster Club

Game Day Administration

Players will check in with a Picture ID at the Registration Table

Only 1 Parent/Coach will be permitted to be on the sidelines

(A Coach is not required but allowed)

All supporters must remain in the stands or outside of the fenced playing area.

2 Admins will be on duty each night

Playing and Participation Rules



3 points for a win

1 point for a tie

0 points for a loss

Forfeit is scored 3‐0



Length of Games:

8v8:  25 minutes (2x)

Halftimes will be 5 minutes.



Ties in games will not be broken. The following criteria will be used in the order listed below to break ties between teams that finish summer League play with an equal number of qualifying points:

1.  Results of Head‐to‐Head competition

2.  Goal Difference: (total goals for minus total goals against)3. Goals for 4. Goals against

* There is NO LIMIT on goals scored or allowed per game.




•         format is 8 v 8 and the roster limit is 14 players dressed for a single game; however, the pool of players during the summer league is not limited. This means there are no limits to guest players per team. Guest players must be registered with the league, paid in full and in good standing.



•       All players and teams must be registered for the current summer league 

•       Each player must present a photo ID at each game when signing in. 

•       Each Player must have a signed (parent and/or guardian if under 18) medical release form

•       All players must have Registered, completed the waiver, and Paid to be included on a Team Roster. 



•  The wearing of hard casts, whether padded or not, will not be permitted in summer League games...NO EXCEPTIONS

•  No jewelry permitted.

  • Shin guards are required



•         a minimum of 6 players are required to play the game.



•  Substitutions must have referee permission in ALL cases.

•  Substitutions for BOTH TEAMS allowed: Every 5 Minutes or at Referee Discretion for player injury.



•  Teams must be at their assigned field 15 minutes before scheduled game time.

•  Teams must provide player cards prior to each game.



•  All games START at the time shown on the schedule.

•  If a team is not ready to play within 10 minutes of the official start time the game will be recorded as a forfeit.



• All players shall wear the same color jersey



•  Home team (1st team listed in a pairing or top team in a playoff tree) must provide the game ball for all games.

•  Home team has 1st choice of field playing side for their team.



•  Both team's players and coaches will sit on opposite sides of the field A maximum of 1 adult are allowed on the team side of the field.

•  Team supporters must be located outside the fenced playing area.



The game schedule is final as published and no changes will be permitted.



•  Referee will be responsible for providing all game reports.

•  Referees and League officials are free to check player cards prior to and at any time during a game.



•  Player receiving a red card is banned from the game in which it was received and a minimum of the following game. Referees will write the players full name, date of birth, and jersey number on the game report.

•  2nd red card in the season to the same player results in that player’s suspension from the league. Fighting will not be tolerated and will be punished with the player's removal from league. Team may be removed for disciplinary reason as well.  



•  Player accumulating 2 yellow cards is suspended for the next game (1 game suspension).

•  A player accumulating 1 red card plus 2 yellow cards or 4 yellow cards, will be suspended from the league.



•  Any misconduct (cheating, verbal, or physical abuse of anyone, especially the referees, etc.) will not be tolerated and will be met with swift and just punishment to include the individual and/or team being removed from the League.

•  Coaches are responsible for their fans and supporters and will be held accountable for their behavior.



•  Above disciplinary rules apply to summer League games only.

•  Cases of serious misconduct will be reported to a player or team’s governing association for follow‐up action. Any team caught using an ineligible player will forfeit the game and be placed on probation. Second offense will result in removal from league and all games forfeited.



•    Referees are required to report all disciplinary actions taken before, during and after the game, on the official game report.

•    All cases of serious misconduct must be reported immediately following the game during which the misconduct occurred.



•  Referee decisions are final.

•  Protests will not be allowed.



•  League Directors have final decision over field conditions and game cancellations.

•  In case of rainout, games will be rescheduled, if possible, within league time constraints.


Modified Summer League Rules

-          no offside

-          no slide tackling.

-          players who fight are kicked out of the league w/o refund.

-          teams involved in a fight are subject to suspension.

-          Substitutions may occur on any ball out of play at Referee discretion



•  25 min halves/5 minute half times

  • A full half of a game must be played to completion to be considered a complete or official game.



A team withdrawing from the Summer League after being accepted shall forfeit its entry fee. A team removed from competition for disciplinary reasons will also forfeit its entry fee.



In order to stay up to date on information regarding Park Vista Summer League including

  • Weather Announcements

  • Schedule Changes

  • Time/Field Changes

  • Standings

Please join the Park Vista SportsYou Group: (All parents and participants are encouraged to join)

Access Code: F8QUWEK9

For Questions:

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